Join me in Boston to­day to meet biotech's top star­tups

We’re putting the fin­ish­ing touch­es to this year’s End­points 11, our an­nu­al spe­cial re­port look­ing at some of the top up-and-com­ing pri­vate biotechs in the in­dus­try. And we’ll be rolling the re­port out on Thurs­day morn­ing at 7 am.

That evening, in Boston’s Sea­port en­clave, we’ll be cel­e­brat­ing the com­pa­nies and the ex­ec­u­tives who found­ed them in a spe­cial event at The 105, in the lob­by of CRISPR Ther­a­peu­tics’ new head­quar­ters build­ing. This will start with some one-on-one net­work­ing at 6 pm and will fol­low up at 7 pm with a fire­side chat with MIT’s Phil Sharp, the No­bel Prize-win­ning sci­en­tist who co-found­ed Al­ny­lam and Bio­gen.

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