Daniel de Boer, ProQR CEO (via YouTube)

Just months af­ter lay­offs and push­ing eye ther­a­py, Pro­QR to of­fload eye port­fo­lio in piv­ot to RNA-edit­ing

Near­ly four months af­ter join­ing dozens of oth­er biotechs in lay­ing off em­ploy­ees and trim­ming down its pipeline, Pro­QR is back at it again.

The Dutch biotech an­nounced ear­ly Thurs­day that it will be look­ing for a part­ner to take the com­pa­ny’s oph­thal­mol­o­gy port­fo­lio fur­ther in­to clin­i­cal tri­als. The com­pa­ny had said in a state­ment that af­ter a piv­otal tri­al fail­ure back in Feb­ru­ary for lead can­di­date se­po­farsen, the EMA had said that the biotech would need to con­duct an ad­di­tion­al piv­otal clin­i­cal tri­al be­fore fil­ing for ap­proval. And that tri­al won’t be done by Pro­QR.

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