Goldfinch Bio CEO Tony Johnson (L) and Karuna Therapeutics CEO Bill Meury

Karuna li­cens­es Goldfinch as­sets to com­pete with Boehringer In­gel­heim in neu­ro­science

Karuna Ther­a­peu­tics is look­ing to com­pete with Boehringer In­gel­heim on de­pres­sion and anx­i­ety with a new li­cense to Goldfinch Bio’s as­sets, start­ing with $15 mil­lion to the shut­tered biotech.

Karuna steps in­to an are­na al­ready be­ing test­ed by Boehringer in mul­ti­ple Phase II stud­ies — the two are tar­get­ing tran­sient re­cep­tor po­ten­tial canon­i­cal 4 and 5, or TR­PC4/5, which is thought to have a role in neu­ro­science in­di­ca­tions. Goldfinch’s as­set went through a Phase II in kid­ney dis­eases, but Karuna’s sights are set on mood and anx­i­ety dis­or­ders for now.

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