Lig­and ac­quires Ver­nalis at bar­gain price of $43M; Pfiz­er, No­vo back $60M round for dwarfism biotech

→ Five months af­ter a be­lea­guered Ver­nalis (LSE: $VER) de­cid­ed to sell it­self in the af­ter­math of back-to-back FDA re­jec­tions, the biotech has found a buy­er in San Diego-based Lig­and Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals $LGND, which is pay­ing $43 mil­lion to get their hands on eight part­nered pro­grams and an op­er­a­tion in the UK.

Hav­ing built a busi­ness mod­el heav­i­ly re­liant on part­ner­ships, Ver­nalis’ pro­grams — with part­ners such as Servi­er, Lund­beck and Dai­ichi Sankyo — re­main in progress and “ful­ly-fund­ed” de­spite set­backs in a pair of cold meds, de­vel­oped with Tris Phar­ma. Like Lig­and, Ver­nalis has a di­verse port­fo­lio than spans res­pi­ra­to­ry, on­col­o­gy and cen­tral ner­vous sys­tem dis­eases. Tak­ing around $4 mil­lion in deal costs in­to ac­count, Lig­and ex­pects to gain $32 mil­lion of net cash from the trans­ac­tion.

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