Med­i­cines Co ex­ecs grab a $33M A round to spin out an in­fec­tious dis­ease out­fit with a pipeline

Turns out, Melin­ta didn’t bag all of The Med­i­cines Com­pa­ny’s in­fec­tious dis­ease work when they ex­e­cut­ed a buy­out deal last fall. There were some pre­clin­i­cal as­sets in the pipeline as well, and now some of the ex­ecs in­volved have gained the back­ing of in­vestors to use it to cre­ate a pipeline for a start­up ven­ture.

Qpex, which an­nounced the clos­ing of a $33 mil­lion Se­ries A fi­nanc­ing round, now has ac­cess to $MD­CO‘s be­ta-lac­ta­mase in­hibitor tech­nol­o­gy. Be­ta-lac­ta­mases are a fam­i­ly of en­zymes that hy­drolyze and there­by in­ac­ti­vate be­ta-lac­tam an­tibi­otics – a group of an­timi­cro­bials com­pris­ing four ma­jor groups: peni­cillins, cephalosporins, monobac­tams, and car­bapen­ems that are ubiq­ui­tous and ac­count for near­ly half of all pre­scribed an­tibi­otics.

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