Mer­ck­'s last crack at sal­vaging a $2.5B ju­ry ver­dict in hep C patent show­down is shot down by ap­peals court

In De­cem­ber 2013, Gilead an­nounced the first pill that could cure he­pati­tis C. The same week, Idenix Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals an­nounced it was su­ing Gilead for patent in­fringe­ment, a law­suit that would even­tu­al­ly de­mand over $2 bil­lion from the US drug­mak­er.

Near­ly six years lat­er, that dis­pute ap­pears to have fi­nal­ly con­clud­ed. In a de­ci­sion that may rip­ple across phar­ma, a fed­er­al ap­peals court ruled Gilead – which ac­quired the hep c drug when it pur­chased Phar­mas­set in 2011 – did not owe dam­ages to Idenix, now a sub­sidiary of Mer­ck. The rul­ing af­firms a 2018 re­ver­sal of a 2016 ju­ry de­ci­sion that orig­i­nal­ly award­ed $2.54 bil­lion to Idenix.

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