Mu­ta­bilis re­ceives CARB-X grant for 'night­mare bac­te­ri­a' treat­ment; Ab­Sci and Xyphos shake hands on dis­cov­ery deal

On a mis­sion to sub­due the ris­ing glob­al threat of an­tibi­ot­ic re­sis­tance, the CARB-X ini­tia­tive has inked yet an­oth­er grant — this one for a French phar­ma work­ing on a treat­ment for so-called “night­mare bac­te­ria.”

Ro­mainville-based Mu­ta­bilis is get­ting up to $6.4 mil­lion to de­vel­op its pre­clin­i­cal pro­gram for Car­bapen­em-re­sis­tant En­ter­obac­terales (CRE) bac­te­ria, dubbed EBL-1463. CRE got the no­to­ri­ous nick­name “night­mare bac­te­ria,” be­cause of its ten­den­cy to cause dead­ly in­fec­tions in health­care set­tings. And it can’t be treat­ed with ex­ist­ing an­tibi­otics, ac­cord­ing to CARB-X.

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