Mahesh Karande. (World Economic Forum / Jakob Polacsek)

New Flag­ship biotech wants to un­leash your genome

It sounds like tacky sci­ence fic­tion when Ma­hesh Karande talks about it, like a line from that movie with the pill promis­ing to un­lock the oth­er 90% of your brain. The com­pa­ny “is un­leash­ing the hu­man genome’s na­tive ca­pac­i­ty,” he says.

His voice, nor­mal­ly deep and mea­sured, sci­en­tif­ic in its pre­ci­sion, rush­es as he talks about his new biotech, his dic­tion bounc­ing with school­boy slang.

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Director of IT, Security

Viridian Therapeutics

Waltham, MA, USA