News brief­ing: Bausch Health clos­ing in on deal to ac­quire Al­le­gro as­sets; PharmAbcine strikes deal with Sam­sung Bi­o­log­ics to de­vel­op an­ti­body pro­gram

Bausch Health is clos­ing in on a deal that would al­low it to buy out all of Al­le­gro Oph­thalmics’ eye-re­lat­ed as­sets — in­clud­ing the rights to lead can­di­date risute­ganib — for $50 mil­lion.

The pay­ment would be made in two tranch­es: $10 mil­lion at sign­ing, and $40 mil­lion in 2021.

Risute­ganib is in clin­i­cal de­vel­op­ment for in­ter­me­di­ate dry Age-re­lat­ed Mac­u­lar De­gen­er­a­tion (AMD). It’s ex­pect­ed to en­ter two con­cur­rent Phase III tri­als for that in­di­ca­tion in the next year. The drug is al­so be­ing test­ed in pa­tients with di­a­bet­ic mac­u­lar ede­ma (DME), and last year met the pri­ma­ry end­point in a Phase II study, with 48% of pa­tients gain­ing 8 or more let­ters in vi­su­al acu­ity from base­line at week 28, com­pared to 7% in the con­trol group at week 12.

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