News brief­ing: No­var­tis eyes ex­pan­sion for Eylea ri­val with PhI­II re­sults; Dupix­ent ob­tains BTD for EoE

No­var­tis re­port­ed pos­i­tive topline re­sults in a Phase III for its Eylea ri­val, a sign that the com­pa­ny is push­ing the brolu­cizum­ab com­pound, ap­proved last Oc­to­ber in the US, for a po­ten­tial la­bel ex­pan­sion.

Brolu­cizum­ab, sold as Beovu, is now be­ing stud­ied in di­a­bet­ic mac­u­lar ede­ma. No­var­tis said the 6 mg dose met its pri­ma­ry end­point of non-in­fe­ri­or­i­ty to 2 mg of Eylea in mean change in best-cor­rect­ed vi­su­al acu­ity (BC­VA) af­ter one year.

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