No­var­tis files an­oth­er FDA pe­ti­tion to halt En­tresto com­pe­ti­tion as block­buster fight ap­proach­es

With promis­es of $5 bil­lion-plus in peak sales for No­var­tis’ En­tresto, the Swiss phar­ma is now pe­ti­tion­ing the FDA for a sec­ond time, hop­ing to stave off gener­ic ver­sions for its block­buster heart drug as at least 18 com­peti­tors line up for a slice of the grow­ing pie.

En­tresto — a com­bo of sacu­bi­tril and val­sar­tan — has been ap­proved by the FDA since 2015 to re­duce the risk of car­dio­vas­cu­lar death and hos­pi­tal­iza­tion for heart fail­ure in pa­tients with chron­ic heart fail­ure and re­duced ejec­tion frac­tion. In 2021, the FDA ap­proved a sup­ple­men­tal ap­pli­ca­tion for the drug, based on a large tri­al show­ing that the drug’s “ben­e­fits are most clear­ly ev­i­dent in pa­tients with left ven­tric­u­lar ejec­tion frac­tion (LVEF) be­low nor­mal.”

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