No­vo Nordisk's block­buster Ozem­pic wins FDA la­bel boost with CV in­di­ca­tion

No­vo Nordisk’s block­buster week­ly in­jectable for­mu­la­tion of semaglu­tide — Ozem­pic — has se­cured an even more for­mi­da­ble la­bel. Apart from its abil­i­ty to stim­u­late in­sulin pro­duc­tion in pa­tients with di­a­betes, the FDA has now al­so en­dorsed its abil­i­ty to re­duce the risk of ma­jor ad­verse car­dio­vas­cu­lar events.

Pa­tients with di­a­betes are of­ten af­flict­ed with oth­er co­mor­bidi­ties, such as obe­si­ty, CV dis­ease, and kid­ney prob­lems. Di­a­betes drug­mak­ers have been clam­or­ing for a broad­er mar­ket share by dif­fer­en­ti­at­ing their drugs on the ba­sis of ther­a­peu­tic im­pact on these in­ter­sect­ing in­di­ca­tions — but the ma­jor, most lu­cra­tive bat­tle­ground is the heart.

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