Sangamo CEO Sandy Macrae

Pa­tient #9 has been a con­cern, but Sang­amo and Pfiz­er are bull­ish about win­ning the marathon he­mo­phil­ia A gene ther­a­py race

Pa­tient num­ber 9 has giv­en Sang­amo and its part­ners at Pfiz­er some heart pal­pi­ta­tions in their high pro­file he­mo­phil­ia A gene ther­a­py pro­gram.

Af­ter watch­ing his Fac­tor VI­II lev­el rise fol­low­ing treat­ment like the rest, the cru­cial ef­fi­ca­cy gauge they track saw a sud­den and sig­nif­i­cant plunge. At week 13, the FVI­II lev­el had dropped be­low nor­mal. Then it be­gan to rise again.

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