Polyphor bags sec­ond grant in two years for a new class of an­tibi­otics to fight drug-re­sis­tant bac­te­ria

A year af­ter re­ceiv­ing its first grant from Boston Uni­ver­si­ty’s CARB-X part­ner­ship, Swiss biotech Polyphor is back for more. It re­cent­ly bagged a sec­ond award of up to $18.44 mil­lion for work on what it calls a new class of an­tibi­otics to fight drug-re­sis­tant Gram-neg­a­tive bac­te­ria.

The grant in­cludes $2.62 mil­lion for Polyphor’s “hit-to-lead” stage and $15.82 mil­lion in mile­stones.

Polyphor calls its class of an­tibi­otics, dis­cov­ered with the Uni­ver­si­ty of Zurich, Out­er Mem­brane Pro­tein Tar­get­ing An­tibi­otics (OMP­TA). They tar­get the lipopolysac­cha­ride trans­port pro­tein A, and have shown an­timi­cro­bial ac­tiv­i­ty against drug-re­sis­tant strains of En­ter­obac­te­ri­aceae, which are among the WHO’s pri­or­i­ty-1 pathogens, ac­cord­ing to Polyphor.

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