Price goug­ing on drugs? Shkre­li's ju­ry se­lec­tion process re­veals some deep pub­lic anger

If the US ever does pass laws pro­hibit­ing price goug­ing on drugs, phar­ma ex­ecs would be well ad­vised to avoid any test­ing of the bound­aries. There’s clear­ly a large seg­ment of the pub­lic that’s ready to jail any­one who jacks up the price of a des­per­ate­ly need­ed treat­ment.

Harp­er’s mag­a­zine helped il­lus­trate that point when they ran ex­cerpts from the com­ments made by po­ten­tial ju­rors in the Mar­tin Shkre­li case. Shkre­li is no­to­ri­ous for rais­ing the price of Dara­prim by more than 5000%, and some of the prospec­tive ju­rors were clear­ly ready to send him right be­hind bars — with­out any need for a tri­al.

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