Putting the safe­ty is­sue to bed, Au­rini­a's late-stage lu­pus nephri­tis da­ta shines

Af­ter a check­ered mid-stage pro­gram marred by pa­tient deaths, Au­rinia emerged vic­to­ri­ous on Wednes­day with Phase III lu­pus nephri­tis da­ta that demon­strat­ed its lead drug is safe and ef­fec­tive for a pa­tient pop­u­la­tion that has few op­tions.

Au­rinia’s shares sky­rock­et­ed in Thurs­day morn­ing pre­mar­ket trad­ing, as the Cana­di­an biotech un­veiled plans to sub­mit a mar­ket­ing ap­pli­ca­tion next year.

The 357-pa­tient place­bo-con­trolled AU­RO­RA tri­al test­ed the com­pa­ny’s drug, vo­closporin, in com­bi­na­tion with my­cophe­no­late and low-dose cor­ti­cos­teroids to eval­u­ate whether the ther­a­py could im­prove the speed of and over­all re­nal re­sponse rates in pa­tients with lu­pus nephri­tis, where the au­toim­mune dis­ease rav­ages the kid­neys, trig­ger­ing in­flam­ma­tion that could lead to blood and/or pro­tein in the urine, high blood pres­sure, poor kid­ney func­tion, or kid­ney fail­ure.

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