Re­call re­port: An­oth­er month, an­oth­er is­sue with ND­MA

It’s been six months since the last in­ci­dent, but 2021 end­ed with the tal­ly re­set­ting back to “ze­ro days.”

Viona Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals is re­call­ing 33 lots of met­formin hy­drochlo­ride af­ter find­ing traces of ND­MA, a known prob­a­ble hu­man car­cino­gen with can­cer-caus­ing po­ten­tial. It’s a much larg­er re­call than the two lots of 750 mg ex­tend­ed-re­lease tablets it re­called in June.

Met­formin is used to help im­prove glu­cose con­trol in adults with type 2 di­a­betes, and is pack­aged in bot­tles of 100 tablets. The drug can be iden­ti­fied by its cap­sule-shaped, un­coat­ed off-white col­or tablets that fea­ture a “Z” and a “C” on one side and “20” on the oth­er.

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