Re­gen­eron re­veals da­ta be­hind de­pri­or­i­tized BC­MA/CD3 bis­pe­cif­ic: #AACR23

OR­LAN­DO – Re­gen­eron on Mon­day re­vealed the da­ta be­hind one of its BC­MA and CD3-di­rect­ed bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­bod­ies that it has de­cid­ed not to take for­ward for mul­ti­ple myelo­ma.

The drug, REGN5459, may be ex­plored in oth­er in­di­ca­tions, said An­dres Sir­ul­nik, se­nior VP of trans­la­tion­al and clin­i­cal sci­ences in hema­tol­ogy at Re­gen­eron, and Karen Ro­driguez Lorenc, VP and BC­MA glob­al pro­gram head. But in mul­ti­ple myelo­ma, the com­pa­ny is in­stead fa­vor­ing lin­voseltam­ab, al­so known as REGN5458.

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