Rit­ux­an copy­cat pass­es first piv­otal test for Am­gen, Al­ler­gan; Iron­wood and biotech spin­out name new boards

→ Am­gen and their part­ners at Al­ler­gan say their piv­otal study of a Rit­ux­an knock­off came through with pos­i­tive PK re­sults for pa­tients with rheuma­toid arthri­tis. They’re al­so run­ning a sep­a­rate piv­otal for non-Hodgkin’s lym­phoma which will go in­to their reg­u­la­to­ry fil­ing for an ap­proval.

→ New boards have been es­tab­lished for Iron­wood and its biotech spin­out Cy­cle­ri­on. In­dus­try vet Julie McHugh will chair the Iron­wood board while Cy­cle­ri­on named Mar­sha Fanuc­ci — an ex-Gen­zyme/Mil­len­ni­um ex­ec — to the head of their new board.

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