Roche flags first case of an­ti-drug an­ti­bod­ies that forced a pa­tient to drop would-be block­buster Hem­li­bra

Roche has raised a warn­ing flag on Hem­li­bra, not­ing the first case where a he­mo­phil­ia pa­tient de­vel­oped an­ti-drug an­ti­bod­ies that made the drug in­ef­fec­tive.

A me­dia con­tact sent a state­ment to me that was orig­i­nal­ly cir­cu­lat­ed on Tues­day. In it, the com­pa­ny stat­ed:

We re­cent­ly learned that a pa­tient in our phase III HAVEN 2 clin­i­cal tri­al de­vel­oped a neu­tral­is­ing an­ti-drug an­ti­body to Hem­li­bra. As with all ther­a­peu­tic pro­teins, there is a po­ten­tial for the de­vel­op­ment of an­ti-drug an­ti­bod­ies with Hem­li­bra, as in­di­cat­ed in the US and EU Hem­li­bra prod­uct la­bels. For this pa­tient, the an­ti-drug an­ti­body re­sult­ed in re­duced ef­fi­ca­cy of Hem­li­bra. The pa­tient and his fam­i­ly have de­cid­ed to dis­con­tin­ue treat­ment with Hem­li­bra, and he will re­sume treat­ment with his pre­vi­ous med­i­cine. 

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