Roche posts pos­i­tive PhII re­sults for bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body eye drug, join­ing No­var­tis in ri­val­ry with Eylea

As No­var­tis bat­tles Re­gen­eron for a piece of its block­buster Eylea fran­chise, Roche/Genen­tech $RHH­BY is com­ing up qui­et­ly with a next-gen bis­pe­cif­ic an­ti­body which post­ed en­cour­ag­ing Phase II re­sults late Sun­day.

RG7716 is a dual an­ti-VEGF/an­ti-an­giopoi­etin-2 an­ti­body that tar­gets reti­nal eye dis­eases. The BOULE­VARD study com­pared two dos­es of it to Roche’s own VEGF-tar­get­ing ranibizum­ab (Lu­cen­tis) and found a sig­nif­i­cant im­prove­ment in ad­just­ed best cor­rect­ed vi­su­al acu­ity (BC­VA), there­by meet­ing its pri­ma­ry end­point. The ad­just­ed mean im­prove­ment are 13.9 chart let­ters from base­line for pa­tients giv­en 6 mg RG7716; 11.7 let­ters for those giv­en 1.5 mg RG7716; and 10.3 among those dosed with 0.3 mg ranibizum­ab, re­spec­tive­ly. The p-val­ue came in at 0.03.

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