Lloyd Segal, Repare Therapeutics CEO

Roche wa­gers $180M in quick cash on a can­di­date for best-in-class tu­mor tar­get­ing drug

Roche has signed a $1.3 bil­lion deal to gain world­wide rights to an ex­per­i­men­tal can­cer drug chief deal­mak­er James Sabry be­lieves can play a big role in fight­ing mul­ti­ple can­cers.

The phar­ma gi­ant is putting up $125 mil­lion of that in an up­front, along with $55 mil­lion in near-term re­wards for a big piece of the po­ten­tial ac­tion on ca­mon­sert­ib (RP-3500), an oral small mol­e­cule in­hibitor of ATR, or Atax­ia-Telang­iec­ta­sia and Rad3-re­lat­ed pro­tein ki­nase, in de­vel­op­ment at Re­pare Ther­a­peu­tics $RP­TX.

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