Levi Garraway, Roche CMO (Genentech)

Roche's CD20xCD3 does­n't beat Gen­mab at ORR, but sets bar for CR da­ta on lym­phoma drug

On its way to po­ten­tial­ly be­com­ing the first to mar­ket with a CD20xCD3 bis­pe­cif­ic for ag­gres­sive lym­phoma, Big Phar­ma’s largest R&D spender has some more da­ta to pad its case with an FDA fil­ing slat­ed for lat­er this year.

Roche dropped some more de­tails from a Phase II ex­pan­sion study of its fixed-du­ra­tion glofi­ta­m­ab, to be pre­sent­ed at next week’s AS­CO an­nu­al meet­ing, in pa­tients with re­lapsed or re­frac­to­ry (R/R) dif­fuse large B-cell lym­phoma (DL­B­CL). The pa­tients had re­ceived a me­di­an of three pri­or ther­a­pies.

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