Sage's oral post­par­tum de­pres­sion drug ticks ef­fi­ca­cy, safe­ty box­es in key tri­al, eas­ing fears of faint­ing risk

Piv­otal da­ta on Sage Ther­a­peu­tics’ $SAGE keen­ly-watched oral post­par­tum de­pres­sion (PPD) drug showed that there was no loss of con­scious­ness as­so­ci­at­ed with the ex­per­i­men­tal treat­ment, un­like the drug de­vel­op­er’s brex­anolone — which must be ad­min­is­tered via an in­fu­sion and is cur­rent­ly un­der FDA re­view. Late-stage da­ta showed the po­ten­tial block­buster drug, SAGE-217, met the pri­ma­ry end­point, al­though a se­ri­ous ad­verse event was ob­served in both the drug and place­bo arm, the com­pa­ny said on Mon­day.

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