Henry Colecraft and Scott Kanner (via Columbia Technology Ventures)

Sal­vaging 'ug­ly fruit': Af­ter a se­ries of pro­tein degra­da­tion bets, Ver­sant turns to pro­tein sta­bi­liza­tion plat­form out of Co­lum­bia

As an ex­pert on ion chan­nels, Hen­ry Cole­craft was fa­mil­iar with the dam­age that an overzeal­ous ubiq­ui­ti­na­tion sys­tem can do to the body. While that process, of­ten de­scribed as a garbage dis­pos­al mech­a­nism, is cru­cial for get­ting rid of de­fec­tive or un­nec­es­sary pro­teins, it can al­so mis­tak­en­ly send still func­tion­al pro­teins to de­struc­tion.

It is a process in­volved in a di­verse group of dis­eases known as ion chan­nelopathies, rang­ing from cys­tic fi­bro­sis to epilep­sy to the heart dis­ease known as long QT syn­drome.

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