Sam­sung out­lines block­buster in­vest­ment plan for bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, part of a $22B play on next-gen tech

Af­ter build­ing up a biosim­i­lars group and branch­ing out in­to new drug de­vel­op­ment, Sam­sung says it plans to make a big push on the bio­phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals front over the next three years, lin­ing up $22 bil­lion to make this one of sev­er­al growth ar­eas for the con­glom­er­ate.

There aren’t a lot of de­tails to go with this. Sam­sung — un­der pres­sure from Chi­nese ri­vals — broad­ly said that it’s ready to wa­ger $22 bil­lion on next-gen tech­nolo­gies, not­ing a big in­ter­est in AI, au­to elec­tron­ics and bio­phar­ma, ac­cord­ing to the Fi­nan­cial Times.

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