Shang­hai drug­mak­er Hua hauls in $117M megaround, with plans for hefty Hong Kong IPO

A di­a­betes drug­mak­er re­cent­ly ru­mored to be plan­ning a mas­sive Hong Kong IPO has raised a $117 mil­lion mega-round with back­ing from some of the biggest in­vestors in both Chi­na and the US.

Hua Med­i­cine said the new in­flux of cash would take the com­pa­ny’s lead drug can­di­date all the way through Phase III tri­als and through com­mer­cial launch in Chi­na.

The com­pa­ny’s lead drug, dorza­gli­atin, helps type 2 di­a­betes pa­tients by work­ing on an en­zyme that acts as a “glu­cose sen­sor,” reg­u­lat­ing the body’s car­bo­hy­drate me­tab­o­lism. The oral med­i­cine, a fourth gen­er­a­tion glu­cok­i­nase ac­ti­va­tor, es­sen­tial­ly treats the im­paired blood glu­cose func­tion, there­by ad­dress­ing the un­der­ly­ing cause of type 2 di­a­betes.

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