Centralize Clinical Trials with Decentralized Clinical Trials
With agile and decentralized approaches, sponsors actually have more centralized command and oversight.
One of the most notable early uses of the term “decentralized clinical trials” came from the presiding FDA Commissioner, Dr. Scott Gottlieb, in a January 2019 speech, where he noted that decentralization can, “help clinical trials become agile and efficient by reducing the administrative burdens on sponsors and those conducting trials, and can allow patients to receive treatments from community providers without compromising the quality of the trial or the integrity of the data being collected,”¹
Since then, the industry has rallied around the term decentralized clinical trials and expanded its definition to include all mobile, remote, home-based or community provider-based solutions for collecting clinical outcomes data. But why use the term “decentralized,” and what does it really refer to? The original intent was to define the inverse for the traditional clinical trial design in which the collection of data is centralized within one brick and mortar investigative site location.
While the term made so much sense in the context of traditional research, the irony is that the traditional model is based on a highly decentralized network of independent sites to collect outcomes data. Each of these investigative sites have their own processes, people, and technology, to matriculate patients through the trials they are conducting on behalf of sponsors. As a result, sponsors can spend, on average, a quarter of the entire clinical trial budget conducting source data verification (SDV)² with oversight from clinical research associates (CRAs) to ensure protocol compliance.
If you step back from the status quo, this really doesn’t feel very centralized at all, does it?
The term “centralization” commonly refers to the concentration of control under a single authority. With this definition, the authority in the development process presumably would be the company sponsoring the trial.
By definition, if a clinical trial sponsor were to centralize trial execution, it would seek to maintain control of the processes, people and technology required to execute the trial rather than leaving their protocols susceptible to the inherent inconsistencies and subsequent costly oversight required when using a myriad of disparate investigative sites.
Without the dependency on the traditional site network and its limited geographic catchment area, the sponsor would have the freedom to maximize the number of patients who could participate. Guided by an effective operating system, the sponsor could ensure that every investigator, nurse, and study coordinator execute by the exact same standard operating procedures and are supported by the exact same technology to ensure compliance with a protocol in an unambiguous manner. The sponsor could also require that all of its data be entered directly into a source system for real-time access to study performance, thus reducing the chances of misinformation and eliminating the need for SDV by CRAs who need to fly all over the world.
This centralized set of processes, people and technology are being deployed everyday now by Science 37 across almost every therapeutic area, geography and trial phase. Unsurprisingly, sponsors that are centralizing these activities are achieving up to 15x faster enrollment, up to 28% greater retention and 3x the diversity in their studies, while ensuring greater compliance, less rater variability and real-time visibility to performance data. Not to mention significantly reducing patient burden.
And yet we call this centralization of processes, people, and technology, “decentralized clinical trials.” Go figure.
The Agile Clinical Trial:
An important note in Dr. Gottlieb’s original speech was that the deployment of these capabilities now known and decentralization, leads to more “agility”. Today, many study designs being deployed with decentralized clinical trial capabilities are a hybrid between traditional and decentralized.
Many leading sponsors are simply supplementing their traditional site networks with a virtual site, or what Science 37 refers to as a Metasite™, to generate speed of enrollment. Other trials are initiated at a traditional clinical trial site, with all follow up visits coming from the comfort of the patient’s home, to reduce patient burden and increase retention. Still others are initiated remotely, with common procedures being conducted by local community providers.
Ultimately the goal of every study is to accelerate enrollment, ensure efficiency and compliance, and generate the highest quality data. To accomplish these goals most effectively, sponsors need the flexibility to execute more agile clinical trial models. This requires an operating system with standardized processes, centralized networks of patients, investigators, nurses and coordinators, and a unifying technology that can be used on-premise and off-premise which yield the additional benefit of enabling sponsors to be in control of their destiny.
Today, more sponsors are standardizing on the Science 37 operating system to achieve the flexibility and control required to deliver today’s more agile clinical trial models and to yield all the benefits of speed, retention, diversity, lower patient burden, less rater variability and the highest quality data.
To learn more visit www.science37.com
¹Gottlieb, Scott. “Breaking Down Barriers Between Clinical Trials and Clinical Care: Incorporating Real World Evidence into Regulatory Decision Making.” Bipartisan Policy Center, January 28, 2019, Washington, DC.
²BrJ Clin Pharmacol, Impact of source data verification on data quality in clinical trials: an empirical post hoc analysis of three phase 3 randomized clinical trials, October 19, 2014.