Why the premier recruitment agency in the world is giving up recruiting, and sponsors should, too
- 70% of Sponsors miss their milestones by an average of eight months, suggesting the clinical trial recruitment model is broken, but there is an optimized method being utilized that most are unaware of
- Clinical Enrollment (CE), currently the only patient quality firm operating in the U.S., is able to boast 32% underrepresented patient populations and a 22% reduction in screen fail rate by eschewing standard recruitment practices
- The patient quality firm model also means CE earns an 88% on-site-to-Informed-Consent-signature rate
- CE’s Founder says that companies who have yet to employ patient quality firm tactics have either yet to discover this other model exists, or haven’t fully appreciated the distinction, but an industry shift is coming
For anyone in the biotech industry, it’s hardly a secret that when it comes to clinical trials, “recruitment” is a dirty word. The once tried-and-true method that involved a trusted doctor calling patients on the phone to tell them about a potential investigational opportunity has evolved into the database-driven, algorithm-based model of today, and with it has gone the humanity of the process. That may be the reason why less than 5% of the U.S. population participate in clinical trial work, and it’s definitely the reason why industry leader Clinical Enrollment (CE) has decided that “recruitment” as a business model just wasn’t right for them.
Bryan Manning, CE’s Founder and CEO, has been vocal about the fact that what recruitment is defined by today is the antithesis of what the industry should be doing, so much so that he’s betting the success of his company on it. “When 70% of Sponsors are missing milestones by an average of eight months, everyone in this industry should be asking ‘why?’”, says Manning, who currently runs the only patient quality firm operating in the U.S., headquartered in Charlottesville, VA. So how does a company located outside of the known biotech hotbeds end up being trusted by the most sought-after roster in the industry? By setting the bar.

If you’ve never heard the term “patient quality firm” before, it’s because it’s a relatively recent trend and strategic model, and it is born from an attempt to course correct misguided thinking, says Manning, whose firm maintains an arsenal of on-staff patient advocates to provide guidance and handhold patients through the trial process. The problem? “[Sponsors] are viewing the process as recruitment, and not as patient quality and overall quality of the trial,” he explains, however one need only look at Clinical Enrollment’s meteoric rise for evidence of its success. In the short years since its inception, CE has become one of the most highly logo’d agencies in the industry, and they owe their clout in no small part to recognizing that recruitment may very well be a dirty word, and it’s one whose time has passed. “We never felt like ‘recruitment’ fit what we were doing, but it’s the mantle everyone uses, for good or bad,” Manning says. “Being a patient quality firm means viewing our responsibility to patients on the same level as our responsibility to the Sponsors who hire us. A sub-5% rate of participation in clinical trial work is a disparity we found not only unacceptable, but rife for transformation.”
Clinical Enrollment’s patient quality model recognizes that participants are making substantial, life-altering medical decisions by deciding to join a clinical research study, and that they need to feel confident in the agency of their decision, as well as be able to trust the expertise of whomever is guiding them. This manifests in the form of CE’s emotion-driven, engaging content focused on education, and more importantly, on patients’ lived experiences, and it appears to be working. Like, 22% reduction in screen fail rate, 88% on-site-to-ICF signage working.
Further cementing patient quality’s distinction from that of traditional recruiting is its adherence to a north star of access, caliber of patients, and expertise. The underrepresented patient population is less than 10% in an average trial, but for CE, who meets patients where they are — on digital and social platforms — and interacts with them in a more optimized, human-first way, it’s actually a soaring 32%. Clinical Enrollment also receives 85% of their referrals from outside the clinic.

“Our purpose is to galvanize the patients who can benefit the most, to infuse them with a sense of what is possible and, more importantly, that these opportunities are within their reach,” says Manning, who also happens to be a patient withan orphan condition himself. “As stewards of these advanced patient quality recruitment efforts, we ensure that our Sponsor clients sit at the apex of clinical trial proficiency and expediency, and that these investigational treatments reach the right people — who are motivated and well-informed — every time.”
Clinical Enrollment’s unique alchemy of success as a patient quality firm also relies heavily on three levers being pulled: their ability to gather electronic health records from potential participants, having a dedicated (real live) site relations team that sees patients and the study team all the way through the process at a time when others are automating the process, and double screening all candidates. This triad has resulted in producing the highest caliber of patient quality their Sponsors say they have ever seen. Participants enrolled from CE’s efforts typically end up comprising more than one third (34%) of total enrollment in their trials, even when contacted more than midway through the process.
So then, the most head-scratching question isn’t ‘Why did this company decide to stop recruiting?’ it more astutely should be ‘Why isn’t everyone employing the patient quality approach to populate their trials?’ Manning thinks he knows the answer. “They either don’t know that there’s a better way, or they haven’t fully appreciated the distinction…yet.” Once the mentality shifts, he says, the landscape of patient enrollment in the U.S. will enjoy a much-needed and long-overdue shift, too.
Learn more about the philosophy of a patient quality firm, or make an inquiry about working with Clinical Enrollment here.