Deborah Dunsire

The fourth CGRP mi­graine drug is here. Time for Lund­beck to prove it's worth $2B

They may be late, but Lund­beck is now of­fi­cial­ly in the game for pre­vent­ing mi­graine with CGRP drugs.

The FDA has OK’d eptinezum­ab, the prize in Lund­beck’s $2 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion of Alder. Like ri­val of­fer­ings from Am­gen/No­var­tis, Eli Lil­ly and Te­va, the an­ti­body blocks the cal­ci­tonin gene-re­lat­ed pep­tide, which is be­lieved to di­late blood ves­sels in the brain and cause pain.

It will now be sold as Vyep­ti. The com­pa­ny has yet to an­nounce a price. Am­gen and No­var­tis had set the whole­sale ac­qui­si­tion cost of their pi­o­neer­ing Aimovig at $6,900 for a year’s sup­ply be­fore rais­ing it slight­ly this year; Lil­ly and Te­va had fol­lowed suit with Em­gal­i­ty and Ajovy.

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