US gov­ern­ment warns health and phar­ma com­pa­nies af­ter se­ries of ran­somware at­tacks

As ex­perts warn that phar­ma com­pa­nies are in­creas­ing­ly be­ing tar­get­ed for cy­ber­at­tacks, the US gov­ern­ment is pro­vid­ing new de­tails about a se­ries of ran­somware at­tacks that have hit the health sec­tor over the last year.

The at­tacks, us­ing a ran­somware dubbed Maui, are be­lieved to come from North Ko­rea, ac­cord­ing to a joint state­ment by the FBI, De­part­ment of the Trea­sury, and Cy­ber­se­cu­ri­ty and In­fra­struc­ture Se­cu­ri­ty Agency (CISA). Ran­somware is a type of mal­ware that en­crypts files on a de­vice, ren­der­ing the files and the sys­tems that re­ly on them un­us­able. At­tack­ers then de­mand a ran­som in ex­change for de­cryp­tion.

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