Michel Vounatsos, Biogen CEO (Biogen via YouTube)

What did we learn from Bio­gen's CMS slap­down? Da­ta rule

The CMS de­ci­sion to for­mal­ly re­strict cov­er­age on Aduhelm de­ci­sive­ly ham­mered home the last nail on the Alzheimer’s drug’s com­mer­cial cof­fin. But the mut­ed im­pact on Bio­gen’s beat­en-down stock was ready ev­i­dence that in­vestors had al­ready walked away from the grave.

Shunned by in­de­pen­dent ex­perts and a whole swath of physi­cians who treat Alzheimer’s, long­time skep­tic Bri­an Sko­r­ney at Baird now calls the Bio­gen drug Zom­biehelm. And no man­ner of necro­man­cy can re­vive it. The first ap­proved drug for Alzheimer’s, what was al­ways con­sid­ered the Gold­en Tick­et in drug R&D with a multi­bil­lion-dol­lar pay­out, is com­mer­cial waste.

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