What does $6.9B buy these days in on­col­o­gy R&D? As­traZeneca has a land­mark an­swer

Giv­en the way the FDA has been whisk­ing through new drug ap­provals months ahead of their PDU­FA date, As­traZeneca and their part­ners Dai­ichi Sankyo may not have to wait un­til Q2 of next year to get a green light on trastuzum­ab derux­te­can (DS-8201).

The phar­ma gi­ant this morn­ing played their ace in the hole, show­ing off why they were will­ing to com­mit to a $6.9 bil­lion deal — with $1.35 bil­lion in a cash up­front — to part­ner on the drug.

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