What does $62B buy you these days? A lot, says Take­da ex­ecs as the phar­ma play­er promis­es a block­buster R&D fu­ture

First comes the $62 bil­lion buy­out. Then comes the as­set auc­tion and re­or­ga­ni­za­tion to pay down debt. Now comes the de­tailed pledge of a big­ger, brighter fu­ture in drug de­vel­op­ment.

That’s where Take­da finds it­self on R&D day to­day, about 11 months af­ter clos­ing on their Shire ac­qui­si­tion. R&D chief Andy Plump is join­ing CEO Christophe We­ber and oth­er top mem­bers of the team to out­line a new set of pri­or­i­ties in the great­ly ex­pand­ed pipeline at Take­da, which has jumped in­to the top ranks of the world’s phar­ma gi­ants in the wake of the Shire deal.

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