Phar­ma's bat­tered rep gets a mod­est facelift in the lat­est in­dus­try rat­ings from Gallup — but it's still look­ing pret­ty bad

When the pan­dem­ic start­ed up ear­li­er this year, quite a few phar­ma ex­ecs felt it was the per­fect op­por­tu­ni­ty to mend fences with the Amer­i­can peo­ple — which had de­vel­oped a large­ly con­temp­tu­ous view of drug mak­ers. Noth­ing sym­bol­ized the in­dus­try’s pub­lic re­la­tions predica­ment bet­ter than the Gallup poll last Sep­tem­ber, which had phar­ma bumped to the very bot­tom of a long list of in­dus­tries ranked by the pub­lic’s opin­ion.

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