David Hung

David Hung is back, launch­ing a new on­col­o­gy start­up with $275M and big am­bi­tions to make news in can­cer drug de­vel­op­ment

Af­ter a brief and em­bar­rass­ing side trip in­to Alzheimer’s re­search, biotech high fly­er David Hung is back, and he’s jump­ing in­to on­col­o­gy R&D once again with a brand new up­start and a whop­ping $275 mil­lion in back­ing.

Team­ing back up with some of his for­mer crew mem­bers at Medi­va­tion, which broke new ground in can­cer drug de­vel­op­ment be­fore the sale of the com­pa­ny to Pfiz­er for $14.3 bil­lion, Hung says the stealth op­er­a­tion has a pipeline with 7 pro­grams, each of which has mul­ti­ple drug can­di­dates.

Here’s the team at Nu­va­tion Bio:

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