Dimitry Nuyten, Arcus CMO

Gilead and Ar­cus want you to be­lieve again in TIG­IT. But mixed ARC-7 da­ta are rolling out to a tough crowd

Roche let the air out of the TIG­IT par­ty bal­loon with a pair of crush­ing Phase III fail­ures. Now Gilead $GILD and Ar­cus $RCUS are back with de­tails of their close­ly-watched Phase II da­ta in Stage IV non-small cell lung can­cer, hop­ing to spark some re­newed en­thu­si­asm for their con­tender and the rest of the field.

But de­spite some pos­i­tive re­sults in front­line ther­a­py for pa­tients with high PD-L1 lev­els, plus a claim on a po­ten­tial “new stan­dard of care,” the mid-stage read­out from the ARC-7 study won’t end the run­ning de­bate that has blight­ed ex­pec­ta­tions for the tar­get.

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