New PBM coali­tion launch­es a Wash­ing­ton, DC-tar­get­ed ad cam­paign to push for leg­isla­tive re­forms

A group of small­er PBMs who say they have a fo­cus on trans­paren­cy is push­ing a new ad cam­paign in DC in sup­port of leg­is­la­tion that would over­haul parts of the in­dus­try.

The group, called Trans­paren­cy-Rx, bills it­self as “a coun­ter­weight to the sta­tus-quo” in the PBM in­dus­try, which is dom­i­nat­ed by three big play­ers who ac­count for about 80% of the mar­ket and are owned by large US in­sur­ers — CVS Health’s Care­mark, Cigna’s Ex­press Scripts, and Unit­ed­Health Group’s Op­tum­Rx.

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