They got bounced out of Alex­ion. Now David Hal­lal and Vikas Sin­ha are back with $150M and a fo­cus on cell and gene ther­a­pies

David Hal­lal and Vikas Sin­ha got bounced out of their jobs as CEO and CFO of Alex­ion the hard way more than 2 years ago, dis­missed af­ter fail­ing to main­tain the con­fi­dence of the board as a probe in­to the com­pa­ny’s sketchy sales and billing prac­tices trig­gered a top-to-bot­tom over­haul of the man­age­ment and the op­er­a­tions — with a move to Boston.

But it didn’t end their biotech ca­reers. Not by a long shot.

“I spent more than a decade at Alex­ion build­ing one of the most suc­cess­ful biotechs in the world,” says Hal­lal. And the best way to han­dle the sit­u­a­tion at the end, the per­sis­tent­ly up­beat biotech ex­ec says, was to chan­nel the emo­tion in­to new en­deav­ors while “look­ing for­ward.”

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