Part­nered with Genen­tech and Mi­crosoft, this biotech be­lieves it can lever­age its knowl­edge of the im­mune sys­tem in­to a $230M-plus IPO

Broth­ers Chad and Har­lan Robins love big names, big num­bers and big plans. And it’s all on big dis­play in their new­ly filed S-1 for Adap­tive Biotech­nolo­gies, which out­lines a plan to lever­age its work on can­cer neoanti­gens and di­ag­nos­tics in­to a whop­ping $230 mil­lion-plus IPO.

We’ve been see­ing a wave of new IPO fil­ings hit this mar­ket in the last few weeks, with some mixed but over­all en­cour­ag­ing re­spons­es from in­vestors. Along­side Adap­tive, Mor­phic Ther­a­peu­tics in the boom­ing Cam­bridge/Boston hub has al­so de­cid­ed to make the leap in­to the pub­lic mar­ket, post­ing an S-1 with an in­dus­try-stan­dard $86 mil­lion raise pen­ciled in as they hunt their next big in­jec­tion of cap­i­tal. Helmed by well-known biotech ex­ec Praveen Tipir­neni, the biotech has been build­ing a plat­form based on work out of the lab of Har­vard’s Tim Springer.

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