Pe­ter Hecht re­cruits Bay­er/Shire vet An­dreas Busch for a top R&D post at his $175M biotech spin­out

Im­age: Pe­ter Hecht. IRON­WOOD

Pe­ter Hecht has been a busy man.

In the past two weeks he’s un­veiled a whop­ping $175 mil­lion raise and spun out a ful­ly formed biotech out of Iron­wood — Cy­cle­ri­on Ther­a­peu­tics — se­cur­ing a pub­lic list­ing for a com­pa­ny with 140 staffers and a pipeline of drugs pre­sent­ing 4 cat­a­lysts over the course of this year. And now he’s built out his top ex­ec­u­tive team af­ter woo­ing Bay­er/Shire vet An­dreas Busch to take the job of chief in­no­va­tion of­fi­cer.

Busch will be work­ing along­side CSO Mark Cur­rie.

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