Bio­gen de­tails Leqem­bi's grad­ual com­mer­cial ramp-up

Bio­gen record­ed high­er-than-ex­pect­ed rev­enue for the lead rare dis­ease drug from its $7 bil­lion ac­qui­si­tion of Rea­ta Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, but the roll­out of its sec­ond-gen­er­a­tion Alzheimer’s drug with Ei­sai is still a work in progress.

Leqem­bi, which re­ceived an ac­cel­er­at­ed nod last Jan­u­ary and a full US ap­proval last sum­mer, is the first of the Alzheimer’s drugs that Medicare will pay for, and re­cent re­ports have said the an­ti-amy­loid mon­o­clon­al an­ti­body could cost Medicare bil­lions by 2025. So far, the duo’s sec­ond shot at the mem­o­ry-rob­bing dis­ease af­ter their first, Aduhelm, went up in smoke, has seen a slow com­mer­cial launch.

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