J&J pro­pos­es $6.5B talc set­tle­ment plan

John­son & John­son has pro­posed an­oth­er bank­rupt­cy plan that would set­tle tens of thou­sands of talc law­suits for about $6.5 bil­lion.

Faced with mount­ing al­le­ga­tions its talc prod­ucts caused can­cer, J&J con­tro­ver­sial­ly spun its talc li­a­bil­i­ties in­to a sep­a­rate com­pa­ny called LTL Man­age­ment in 2021. Now called LLT, the com­pa­ny has twice un­suc­cess­ful­ly sought to set­tle the cas­es through bank­rupt­cy. But this time, the com­pa­ny is ask­ing ovar­i­an can­cer claimants to vote in sup­port of the plan be­fore it files for Chap­ter 11.

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