Neu­ro­crine wins ap­proval of In­grez­za 'sprin­kle' for­mu­la­tion for pa­tients with trou­ble swal­low­ing

Neu­ro­crine Bio­sciences won FDA ap­proval on Tues­day for a new for­mu­la­tion that may help In­grez­za go down in a more de­light­ful way.

The oral gran­ules are de­signed to be opened and sprin­kled over soft foods, as op­posed to the com­pa­ny’s cur­rent­ly ap­proved cap­sules that are in­tend­ed to be swal­lowed whole. In­grez­za was ap­proved in 2017 and 2023 for tar­dive dysk­i­ne­sia and Hunt­ing­ton’s chorea, re­spec­tive­ly — two con­di­tions that may im­pact pa­tients’ abil­i­ty to swal­low. Neu­ro­crine com­mer­cial chief Er­ic Benevich said on the com­pa­ny’s fourth-quar­ter 2023 earn­ings call in Feb­ru­ary that an es­ti­mat­ed 5% to 10% of these pa­tients have dif­fi­cul­ty swal­low­ing, ac­cord­ing to an Al­phaSense tran­script.

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