Pow­er­ful Dems or­ches­trat­ed cam­paign at FDA to pro­vide Bio­gen drug to a dy­ing, high-pro­file fundrais­er

Back in 2008, Dal­las tri­al lawyer and high-pro­file De­mo­c­ra­t­ic Par­ty fundrais­er Fred Baron was dy­ing of mul­ti­ple myelo­ma. Des­per­ate to gain ac­cess to Bio­gen’s Tysabri, an MS drug then be­ing test­ed for myelo­ma in ear­ly-stage stud­ies, his wife Lisa Blue Baron reached out to the com­pa­ny but ran di­rect­ly in­to a brick wall of re­sis­tance.

“[Bio­gen] won’t ap­prove for fred be­cause he is too sick and if it fails him, it could skew the out­come of the tri­als(this told to me by his wife),” not­ed a fam­i­ly friend in the er­ror-rid­den post in­clud­ed in the batch of hacked emails from John Podes­ta — the chair­man of Hillary Clin­ton’s pres­i­den­tial cam­paign — dumped by Wik­iLeaks on Sat­ur­day.

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