Rubedo Life Sciences co-founder Julian Klein (foreground) with CEO Marco Quarta (courtesy Rubedo Life Sciences)

Rube­do pulls in $40M Se­ries A to ad­vance atopic der­mati­tis can­di­date tar­get­ing ag­ing cells

Rube­do Life Sci­ences is fur­ther­ing its plan to treat age-re­lat­ed dis­eases by tar­get­ing senes­cent cells with a $40 mil­lion Se­ries A led by Khosla Ven­tures and Ahren In­no­va­tion Cap­i­tal.

The Cal­i­for­nia-based com­pa­ny is ini­tial­ly test­ing its lead can­di­date, dubbed RLS-1496, in atopic der­mati­tis and pso­ri­a­sis, with plans to be­gin a Phase 1 tri­al this year. It’s not re­veal­ing the ex­act tar­get of the drug yet, ac­cord­ing to co-founder and CEO Mar­co Quar­ta, who de­scribed it as nov­el and first-in-class. He added that the der­ma­tol­ogy space is an “en­try point” to then ex­pand the la­bel.

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