Walgreens CEO Tim Wentworth at #JPM24 (Brian Benton Photography)

Wal­greens will build out spe­cial­ty phar­ma­cy busi­ness, lean­ing in­to drug and ther­a­py ser­vices

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Wal­greens said Thurs­day it’s get­ting in­to cell and gene ther­a­py phar­ma­cy ser­vices and bring­ing its spe­cial­ty phar­ma­cy un­der a new name as it nav­i­gates the fu­ture of its busi­ness.

In ad­di­tion to set­ting up a cell and gene ther­a­py fa­cil­i­ty, Wal­greens is tak­ing its ex­ist­ing spe­cial­ty phar­ma­cy-re­lat­ed busi­ness­es, like com­mu­ni­ty phar­ma­cies that are lo­cat­ed near or in­side a health sys­tem, and putting them all in­to one di­vi­sion: Wal­greens Spe­cial­ty Phar­ma­cy. Ide­al­ly, the re­brand­ed spe­cial­ty phar­ma­cy busi­ness can bet­ter work with en­ter­prise part­ners like health plans, phar­ma and providers as a com­peti­tor to PBM-owned spe­cial­ty phar­ma­cies.

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