2016's drug pric­ing head­winds threat­en a hur­ri­cane of new reg­u­la­tions

Those head­winds aimed at rou­tine drug price in­creas­es in the US is now be­com­ing a gale force po­lit­i­cal storm that is draw­ing down share prices across the bio­phar­ma in­dus­try.

Car­di­nal Health to­day joined the grow­ing line­up of drug dis­trib­u­tors – like McKesson – to warn that the slow­ing tem­po of price hikes will like­ly ding its fi­nan­cial re­sults for the year.

“Short-term head­winds, par­tic­u­lar­ly around phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, are quite chal­leng­ing,” said CEO George Bar­rett, fore­cast­ing ris­ing brand­ed prices of 7% to 9%, ac­cord­ing to the Wall Street Jour­nal.

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