2019 a 'trans­for­ma­tive year' for phar­ma M&A. Is that a good thing?

Big Phar­ma keeps get­ting big­ger.

Fu­eled by the mega-merg­ers be­tween Bris­tol-My­ers Squibb and Cel­gene and be­tween Al­ler­gan and Ab­b­Vie, the in­dus­try last year saw $350 bil­lion worth of M&A, ac­cord­ing to the new year-end re­port from the con­sul­tants at PwC.  That’s a more than 50% in­crease on 2018.

“I kind of look at 2019 as a trans­for­ma­tion­al year,” re­port au­thor Glen Hun­zinger told End­points News. 

Endpoints News

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