2020 re­port cards con­tin­ue rolling in, with an­a­lysts de­tail­ing record-break­ing fundrais­ing for the UK

The suc­cess of the biotech in­dus­try in 2020 con­tin­ues to move in­to sharp­er fo­cus with the re­lease of a new re­port de­tail­ing the UK sec­tor’s record-break­ing year.

British biotechs col­lec­tive­ly pulled in their high­est fundrais­ing to­tals ever, ac­cord­ing to the UK BioIn­dus­try As­so­ci­a­tion, with a to­tal of just over £2.81 bil­lion raised ($3.84 bil­lion). The amount is more than twice the £1.34 bil­lion raised in 2019 and a 27.5% in­crease from the pre­vi­ous record set in 2018 of £2.2 bil­lion.

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